Friday, July 27, 2007

Fest i Sverige: Party in Sweden!

Last night, one of the student korridors hosted a cocktail party that we dubbed “Sverige’s Finest.” About 30 of us (Swedes and Americans) spent the evening dancing and having a grand ol’ time.

We’ve all agreed that we feel very lucky to have ended up with such great peers in this study abroad program. We’ve only known each other for five weeks and we come from seven different University of California campuses, and yet we all share one thing: we want to be in Sweden. We all have a reason for choosing this country, whether it be the presence of family or friends, ambitions to live abroad after college (one girl wants to move here at some point in the future), and the general idea that Sweden is a “cool” country. And of course, everyone is interested in learning a new language.

Some of the UC students are only here for the summer, which means they will be done next week! Yikes. Where did those six weeks go? All the people staying for the year and the fall are sad to see them go. We’re already making plans to meet up once we’re back in California.

Admittedly, one of my greatest fears about studying abroad was that I wouldn’t like my peers – or they wouldn’t like me. This has not been the case at all! We’ve all found people we like to hang out with and we’re quite a cohesive group (which may be one reason why I’ve been speaking so much more English than Swedish).

Tomorrow is the last organized excursion of the summer: a trip to Helsingborg. Looking forward to sharing that adventure as well!



Atom Salad said...

First of all, you look beautiful! Gorgeous pictures!

But, I know it's not about that. What a great learning experience---to make it through really tough times (See June 27 and July 4 entries :-)) and realize that you have made friends, you will learn the language, you have overcome culture shock, etc.

Good goin'!

Unknown said...

ooooh! I love your dress... you look great!

Shoshana said...

I know that a) this is very late, and b) I should probably be writing something important and meaningful about what you've been posting, but mainly I want to tell you that your dress is awesome and you look great.